Oofh, right: Tried to fix the issue where clicking the last page takes you to a blinding 404, but I couldn't craft any nifty way to fix that exactly, yet. Fixed the 404 instead to redirect you back to where you were. Not exactly what I wanted, but it helps. Gallery got 3 new additions too!
Also also I'm working on creating a Discord server for YIH. Because forums are kinda outdated and a right pain to build alone, figured I'd to offer a more easy-to-access-place for a community for those who'd like it. No idea when I'll publish the discord, but it's under works.
Some of you might remember the Discord we shared with Elli to share updates on Tistow, Small Trolls and YIH, which was great - however I'm very introverted and I wasn't exactly prepared to what it'd grow into, took a ton of pressure and got miserable over feeling like a bad moderator :-D
Gonna give it another go with a smaller server that I can be a bit more particular and relaxed about.
EDIT: Just drew this because Autumn is great, hope you're getting to enjoy it too